AIM To evaluate the reliability of dipstick measurements of urine specific gravity (U-SG). METHODS Fresh urine specimens were tested for urine pH and osmolality (U-pH, U-Osm) by a pH meter and an ...
Background Hydration status is one measure used to determine risk of heat illness, such as heat stroke. The most common assessment used is urine specific gravity. However, this test presents inherent ...
Sports medicine equates dehydration with a concentrated urine as defined by any urine osmolality (UOsm) ≥700 mOsmol/kgH 2 O or urine specific gravity (USG) ≥1.020. Objective To compare blood versus ...
The observation of urine has been used for centuries to diagnose and follow many disease states. It continues to be an important test in modern medicine. Various diseases such as pelvic and ...