US President Joe Biden on Thursday pardoned 39 people and commuted the sentences of nearly 1,500, setting a single-day record ...
Here, to get his ear means to get a word in his ear. “Getting someone’s ear” is a metaphor, not to be taken literally. In ...
拜登总统周日在秘鲁利马登上空军一号,前往里约热内卢参加20国集团峰会。 Eric Lee/The New York Times 周一,拜登总统开始了可能是他作为三军统帅与全球领导人参加的最后一次峰会,他仍在推动为乌克兰提供更有力的支持,尽管一种不确定性正渐渐靠近:候任总统 ...
持有时长和使用规则: 政府购买的比特币将至少持有20年。 在此期间,除用于偿还国债外,比特币不得出售、交换或拍卖比特币储备。初始持有期过后,每两年内最多可以出售不超过10%的储备。
2024年美国总统选举落下帷幕,特朗普胜选的背后,加密货币行业持续进军“金钱政治”引发广泛关注。一方面,加密货币行业在此次大选中的资金动员取得明显成果,推动形成了美国历史上对加密货币最为友好的国会,整个行业或正在经历前所未有的“政治化”;另一方面,特 ...
Stefanie Holtze-Jen: Well, the biggest element of the U.S. election, of course, is what everybody keeps recalculating as we get more news, is the situation on the tariff implication. But having said ...