The largest monuments of the Buddhist era are in the islands fringing the eastern side of Haddhunmathi Atoll (Laamu Atoll).
Buddhists have special days they honour. Pandicca explained that the dates on which they are celebrated varies, depending on ...
Hinduism and Vajrayana Buddhism share several similarities, as well as some differences. Here are some key points of similarity: Concept of Karma: Both Hinduism and Vajrayana Buddhism believe in the ...
Most people in Tibet are Vajrayana Buddhists and they believe that once the spirit leaves the body after death, the body becomes an empty vessel. In many rocky and mountainous regions of Tibet ...
Suppose you are curious about the different schools of Buddhism, Mahayana, Hinayana, Vajrayana, Theravada, and so on. In that case, you will be given a chance to learn about them and understand their ...
The Gelephu Mindfulness City, a special administrative region, is envisioned as the greenest, cleanest, and safest city ...
With 70 speakers from 14 countries, the 13th edition of the festival in Thimphu showcased the Himalayan nation’s vibrant ...
Suffering (dukkha): life is full of suffering; the cause of suffering (Samudaya): suffering is caused by desire and attachment; the end of suffering (Nirodha): it is possible to end suffering by ...
Breath within the Soul at Frieze , Seoul  ( 4th to 7th September)  is DAG’s ode to the famed international abstractionist, ...
Buddhism is commonly defined as including Southeast Asian Theravada Buddhism, East Asian Mahayana Buddhism, Indo-Tibetan Mahayana, and Vajrayana Buddhism. To those who practice it, Buddhist meditation ...