The annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Lecture at Harvard aims to recognize individuals who through their dedication to activism, advocacy, scholarship, or service have made an indelible ...
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Writers take you away into worlds of fantasy, poetic musings, and subtle irony. In lectures and readings, you can immerse yourself in the eventful history of the city. You can check out poetry slams, ...
汽车行业貌似已经卷的只剩下价格战和造芯片了。 对于造芯片,很多人说汽车芯片不就是只要跟着移动互联网跑就行了,移动互联网落后几年的芯片然后用到汽车上来就行了。其实汽车芯片并不是移动互联网芯片的降维打击,它带有自己的特殊性,而且加速了 ...