Victor Crowley is a 2017 American supernatural slasher film written and directed by Adam Green. It is the sequel to Hatchet III, and serves as the fourth installment in the Hatchet film series. Kane ...
In the final episode of The Penguin, Oz kills his former protege, Victor, whom he had once mentored. Victor's confession that he considered Oz family pushed Oz to the breaking point, as he views ...
However, just before The Penguin’s ending, Oz kills Victor in cold blood – and we should have seen it coming. After Oz finds out his mother suffered a stroke, he sits on a bench by the Gotham ...
At the end of the episode, Vic and Oz share a peaceful moment, and Vic tells Oz that he is like family to him now. This triggers Oz, who then chokes Victor and kills him—a moment that stands as one of ...
Ultimately, Oz escapes, and even though Sofia puts a bounty on his head, he manages to turn the lieutenants of all the major gangs in Gotha with Victor’s help. They kill their respective leaders ...
Oz killed Vic! The bond that the Penguin has built with young Victor has been one of the most compelling glimmers of humanity we’ve seen from the Batman villain and that’s specifically why the ...