SpongeBob SquarePants is an animated series that has played around with mixed mediums through the years, whether they are ...
The main characters are voiced by Alec Baldwin (North), Isla Fisher (The Tooth Fairy), Jude Law (Pitch Black), Hugh Jackman ...
Customize Your Playstyle: Level up your characters, assign stat boosts, and experiment with equipment and a “Tension Card” to create original builds. Whether you prefer an all-out attacker or a ...
Our guide to the best new animated shows of December includes live action SpongeBob, an Inside Out series, and more.
IT之家 11 月 30 日消息,东宝公司昨日(11 月 29 日)发布公告,宣布《鲁邦三世》新 2D 剧场版暂定名称为《LUPIN THE IIIRD THE MOVIE》,将是该系列近 30 年来首部 2D 动画电影,上一部是 1996 ...
Our critic visited the ART*VR festival in Prague to assess the recent global output and how the Swiss are faring in it.
From concept art to VFX and animation, studios and individual artists alike now merge 2D and 3D art techniques.
"I'll catch Lupin III myself. Only I can fulfill this mission." Toho Next has revealed a first look teaser trailer for a ...
New algorithms allow for more realistic coily hair animation, enhancing the representation of Black characters in film.
Here in these United States of Cognitive Dissonance, Christmas - against which there is nor has there ever been a war - is ...
As of the writing of this article, the new Lupin The Third movie has yet to reveal its official title or release date, simply ...