On September 8th, 2007, iCarly premiered in the United States. [1] The earliest available upload of the sketch "What's Gibby Thinking About," a web-based short, [2] was uploaded on June 22nd, 2009 by ...
So, even though I do not have a vote in this election, I still have an opinion. Here it is. How is this a close-run thing? What are you thinking? With all due respect, what are you thinking? If a ...
There's a line in Life is Strange 2 that first got me thinking about how people come to have powers in this world. The second entry in the series is a personal favorite of mine thanks to the ...
“While some level of thinking things through can be beneficial, overthinking becomes problematic when it leads to excessive worry, anxiety and negative outcomes,” psychotherapist Eugenie ...
Imagine you are a member of the U.S. House of Representatives and worry that certain voters in a state (not your own) may have difficulties casting ballots in the upcoming election. Do you call ...
Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader. Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and ...