The army of workers were tasked with the building of a new pyramid.A worker describes the techniques used to move the enormous stone blocks into place. He also tells us a little about his life as ...
Narrator: Life was really different in the Shang dynasty to life today. Buildings were built from mud and wood, even palaces and towers and horses were the fastest form of transport. Builder ...
ORLANDO, Fla. — A man was arrested Tuesday after an armed robbery and attempted kidnapping outside a local Walmart, the Orlando Police Department said. Police said 54-year-old Juan Perez is ...
今天(27日)上午,中国政府欧亚事务特别代表李辉在北京就乌克兰危机第四轮穿梭外交举行吹风会,向驻华使节及中外媒体记者介绍有关情况。 李辉于7月28日起访问巴西、南非和印度尼西亚,同“全球南方”重要成员就当前局势及和谈进程进一步交换意见 ...