Since reduced DNA repair expression is often present in a field cancerization or a field defect, it is likely to have been an early step in progression to the cancer. More information Cancer, Gene ...
Field cancerization, the spread of a mutant clone that is predisposed to cancer growth prior to tumor growth, can be involved in tumorigenesis in every gastrointestinal compartment. These protumor ...
While the aforementioned studies show clear evidence of field cancerization, the mechanisms by which clones spread and produce a tumorigenic mutant field are not well understood. In glandular ...
Major Finding: Mechanisms of clonal expansion during the estrous cycle can promote mammary field cancerization. Concept: Ductal network remodeling eliminates the majority of mutant clones but supports ...
A team of researchers at the VIB-KU Leuven Center for Cancer Biology, the Netherlands Cancer Institute and Oncode Institute ...
研究人员开发了一种通过腺病毒递送转录因子 PU.1、IRF8 和 BATF3 在体内重编程肿瘤细胞的方法,这使它们能够将抗原呈递为 1 型常规树突状细胞。经过这番重编程后,肿瘤细胞可以改变其周围的肿瘤环境,吸引并增加多种细胞毒性 T ...
A team of researchers at the VIB-KU Leuven Center for Cancer Biology, the Netherlands Cancer Institute and Oncode Institute ...
Mutation of TP53 was the most common and was present in all but two patients. Our data strongly supports the theory of clonal selection and the theory of field cancerization. OSCC often evolves in a ...