BEIJING, Sept. 20 (Xinhua) -- China's electricity consumption, a key barometer of economic activity, registered steady expansion in August, official data showed Friday. Power use climbed 8.9 percent ...
BEIJING, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- China has made remarkable strides in energy development over the past 75 years, deepening its ...
Christian Geraud Neema Byamungu, a China-Africa expert and Africa editor at the China Global South Project, said that the ...
Chinese people have shown strong spending power during the Mid-Autumn Festival, with many sectors such as tourism and postal ...
Prof. Yimao Cai from Peking University Joins GMIF2024 to Explore the Evolution of In-Memory Computing Technologies in the AI ...
除组件企业外, 美国光伏 原材料和配件企业也获得了大量补贴。根据美国能源部近期发布的信息,美国国税局已为在35个州开发的100多个项目分配了约40亿美元的税收抵免。其中已披露的光伏项目包括:Highland Materials公司获得2.556亿美元 ...
昨天,美联储在四年多来首次降息。这宣告美联储应对曾经非常严重的通货膨胀取得了胜利。降息之后,抵押贷款利率却出现了一种奇怪的波动。30年期房贷固定利率周平均值从6.2%下降至6.09%,日平均值从6.15%提高到6.17%。变化的幅度似乎很小,但考虑到 ...
根据合作协议,远景将在西班牙建设氢能装备工厂,布局绿氢产业链,并和西班牙企业一起打造零碳氢能产业园,实现100%绿电制造氢。远景还将与西班牙在合成生物、绿色甲醇、可持续生物航油等领域进行全面合作,打造绿氢工业新生态,以具有成本竞争力的产品支持西班牙在 ...
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) test-fired a new-type tactical ballistic missile and an improved strategic ...
Developing a strong passenger vehicle business has been a strategic focus for JAC Group since the tenure of Mr. Zuo Yan’an.