新西兰国家党国会议员陆楠、新西兰中国友好协会主席黎开盛、新西兰奥克兰商会首席执行官西蒙·布里奇斯祝大家中秋快乐,团圆美满。华人议员陆楠称,无论身在何处,中秋佳节都是我们传承文化,凝聚亲情的时刻,也是我们与身边朋友和社区分享中华传统文化的最佳机会和桥梁。 (孟湘君 冯爽) ...
Originally from Myanmar, Manni has spent three years in Shanghai, where she has developed a profound appreciation for Chinese classical poetry. This famous verse not only reflects Li Bai's sigh of ...
新西兰国家党国会议员陆楠、新西兰中国友好协会主席黎开盛、新西兰奥克兰商会首席执行官西蒙·布里奇斯祝大家中秋快乐,团圆美满。华人议员陆楠称,无论身在何处,中秋佳节都是我们传承文化,凝聚亲情的时刻,也是我们与身边朋友和社区分享中华传统文化的最佳机会和桥梁。 (孟湘君 冯爽) ...
Best wishes from New Zealand for the Mid-Autumn Festival! As an overseas Chinese, Nancy Lu, Parliament member for New Zealand ...
朱熹精神,长存天地。理学之道,历久弥新。后世学者,当以勉之,继往开来,共创辉煌。 Zhu Xi began to compose poems, and Yuan Hui became famous. The name Ziyang is commonly known as Wenguang. The Huizhou ethnic lineage, Youxi, originated and ...
In the Paradox Museum, nothing makes sense and yet everything is totally real! And get this – from Thursday through Saturday ...
In Chinese beliefs, the full moon is the symbol for a family reunion. Many famous ancient poets wrote poems about the moon and expressed their homesickness. When people appreciate the moon, it reminds ...