Crude oil and refined product futures were down at midday Friday and on track for sharp week-to-week declines. The NYMEX November West Texas Intermediate contract was off by $1.60 to$69.07/bbl and the ...
At noon ET, the most-active December Nymex West Texas Intermediate contract edged down 5cts to around $69.80/bbl, and front-month November WTI also dropped by the same amount to $70.35/bbl.
每经AI快讯,10月19日,国际原油期货结算价收跌约2%,WTI原油本周累跌超8%。WTI ...
At noon ET, the most-active December Nymex West Texas Intermediate contract edged down 5cts to around $69.80/bbl, and front-month November WTI also dropped by the same amount to $70.35/bbl.
出品:新浪财经上市公司研究院  作者:夏虫工作室核心观点:朱世会在资本市场可谓长袖善舞,其旗下先导稀材上市失利后,随即拿下上市中飞股份(现更名为光智科技)控股权。由于资产注入借壳上市等预期,光智科技股价一度遭爆炒。然而,朱世会入主光智科技后... 出品:新浪财经上市公司研究院  作者:夏虫工作室核心观点:朱世会在资本市场可谓长袖善舞,其旗下先导稀材上市失利后,随即拿下上市中飞股份(现更名为光智科技 ...
Oil prices were just slightly above morning lows at about 11:45 a.m. EDT on Monday. The Nymex November West Texas Intermediate contract was down by $1.86 to $73.70/bbl and December WTI was off $1. ...
出品:新浪财经上市公司研究院  作者:夏虫工作室核心观点:朱世会在资本市场可谓长袖善舞,其旗下先导稀材上市失利后,随即拿下上市中飞股份(现更名为光智科技)控股权。由于资产注入借壳上市等预期,光智科技股价一度遭爆炒。然而,朱世会入主光智科技后 ...
U.S. natural gas futures ended the day and the week lower as near-term temperature forecasts point to weak demand while ...
每经AI快讯,Nymex美原油期货主力突破70.00美元/桶关口,最新报69.99美元/桶,日内跌5.20% 每日经济新闻 ...
【原油价格仍有望走高】10 月 8 日讯,NYMEX 原油和布伦特原油受中东紧张局势升级影响,国庆长假期间分别上涨 7.59%和 8.53%。棕榈油涨幅达 7.68%,其他农产品窄幅震荡,整体向下。金属整体震荡回升,工业金属涨幅在 0% - ...
Unit Corporation currently offers a roughly 15% dividend yield and dividend coverage is projected at slightly above 1.0x for ...