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Are Christians really persecuted in the United States of America? Millions of my fellow evangelicals believe we are, or they believe we’re one election away from a crackdown. This sense of dread ...
In many countries, being non-religious can make someone a target for vicious persecution. This leads some to seek sanctuary elsewhere. But once they have claimed asylum, apostates can face trivial ...
It is commonly understood that many people around the world face harassment and more severe forms of persecution for their religious beliefs. Few would question that in dictatorships like China or ...
Its aims are to raise awareness of persecution around the world and mobilize support for the persecuted church. Worldwide, the ministry has trained more than 3.8 million persecuted Christians through ...
Plenty of ink has been spilled over the decay of cultural Christianity and the possibility of Christian persecution in Australia. Christianity is still rated at 52 percent of the population, whether ...
Missionaries who have worked in foreign countries where the persecution of Christians is an every-day occurrence say it is a very vexatious problem, but Americans could be much more active to ...
“Malaysia is a very interesting place as it relates to persecution because it is almost entirely based on ethnicity,” Todd Nettleton with The Voice of the Martyrs USA explains. “If you are Chinese, ...
Ryan Brown, the CEO Of Open Doors US discusses Christian persecution in Nigeria Attacks on Christians in Nigeria have grown at alarming levels, leading to thousands of deaths according to a new ...
It was a rare joy to speak about Jesus freely. When asked if he’s ever persecuted for his faith, Moses brushed the question aside. “That happens all the time,” he said. “I’ve been brought to the ...
PARIS - Persecution of bereaved relatives. Impunity for perpetrators. Rampant executions and infighting among the opposition. A bleak picture confronts opponents of Iran’s clerical authorities ...
Harare – Exiled music icon Thomas Mapfumo has spoken out about the alleged persecution he faced at the hands of the late Robert Mugabe’s government, revealing that his decision to flee Zimbabwe in ...