The MK-15 Phalanx CIWS provides ships of the U.S. Navy with an inner layer point defense capability against Anti Ship Missiles, aircraft, and littoral warfare threats that have penetrated other ...
After more than four decades in service, the Phalanx Close-In Weapon System, or CIWS, has become a well-known defensive feature on U.S. Navy and other allied warships, and has an unusual pop ...
8月28日,2024中国生物制造大会在合肥开幕。会议期间,生物制造产业方阵正式成立,并重磅发布《聚力推动生物制造高质量发展——合肥倡议 ...
央广网北京8月19日消息(记者陈琴 蒋勇)据中央广播电视总台中国之声《新闻和报纸摘要》报道,第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究成果18日在西藏 ...
上半年,全省地区生产总值同比增长5.8%,连续8个季度增速位居全国第一方阵。 省生态环境厅坚持以习近平生态文明思想为指引,将改革理念贯穿生态环境保护工作各方面全过程,牢固树立绿水 ...
Please verify your email address. The Phalanx have existed for 100,000 life-cycles, and interestingly, each generation of Phalanx retains the memories of all previous generations. The first human ...