Shanghai's outlying Fengxian District is setting its sights on becoming a key hub for advanced manufacturing, innovation and ...
[Regional Advantages] 1. From a large scale ... due to the spillover of the industry and population of Hangzhou Bay New Area, the economy, population and development of Yuyao will be imminent in the ...
中国拥有幅员辽阔的土地、丰富多样的地理景观。在这片广袤的土地上,许多自然景区尚未被大规模开发,保持着原始的自然风貌。这些隐藏在山脉深处的未开发景区,如同大自然的珍宝,等待着探险者的到来。本文将带您探寻中国十大未开发的自然景区,感受大自然的纯粹与神秘。 China, with its vast territory and diverse geographical landscapes, is hom ...
Bato Zaya spent his childhood as a shepherd in the pastoral areas of Wenquan County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur ...
Unprecedented rainfall hit Japan's Ishikawa Prefecture on Saturday, leaving one person dead and seven missing, local media ...
Un legislador del Reino Unido intenta resaltar los problemas creados sobre “trabajos forzados” en la región autónoma china Uigur de Xinjiang, reiterando su petición de un mayor escrutinio de la posibl ...
BEIJING, 12 sep (Xinhua) -- Se espera que más de 3.000 empresas asistan a la 21ª Exposición China-ASEAN en Nanning, capital de la región autónoma de la etnia zhuang de Guangxi, en el sur de China, ...
A new TIR assembly center, certified by the International Road Transport Union (IRU), began operation on September 20 in Zhengzhou Xinzheng Comprehensive Bonded Zone, which is located in Zhengzhou ...
The first thing that caught my eye was a new energy vehicle (NEV) adorned with a "Yak Travel" logo in both Tibetan and Mandarin, featuring the image of a running yak. I was told "Yak Travel" is a ...
(原标题:2024 Belt and Road Summit | Nicholas Ho: Partnerships Are Key to Hong Kong's Role as a Regional Hub) The 2024 Belt and Road Summit, which will be held from September 11 to 12, centers on the ...