2.It's easier to stay out of trouble than it is to get out of trouble. 与其杀死毒龙 ... (大道:所以投资总是有机会的。) 15.Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget Rule No.1. 规则一:永远不要亏钱。规则二:永远不要忘记规则一。
Health Canada将医疗器械分为四类:I, II, III, IV类,I类的潜在风险最低,IV类的风险最高。关于这四类器械的上市途径如下: lI、III和IV类器械在加拿大销售之前,必须获得医疗器械许可证,即Medical Device Licence (简称MDL); lI类器械不需要MDL许可证,但I类器械制造商须 ...
The Chinese government never allows any illegal or violent activities, and China has been and will continue taking effective ...
The Japanese government unilaterally started the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear ...