Last year, it was used more than 4,000 times. Seclusion - where people are locked in a room on their own - also remains high. In 2019, there were 3,225 reported cases of seclusion, and 850 of ...
An investigation into the care of a person who was deemed unfit to stand trial and remanded in care has highlighted the lack of suitable facilities and trained staff for those with co-existing ...
Harley was restrained and dragged into a seclusion room at a mental health hospital Evidence of abusive and inappropriate treatment of vulnerable patients at a secure mental health hospital has ...
The $20.5 million Los Angeles estate has a “sense of privacy and seclusion” and is “not trendy,” the source says. The actor, ...
新华社北京9月8日电题:从贫困闭塞之地到对外开放前沿 老区向“兴”而行 新华社记者赖星、李惊亚、姜辰蓉 无论是在苍翠绵延的山岭间,还是在 ...
大瑞铁路被誉为“世界上最难修的铁路”,它全线穿越云贵高原的高山、深涧,将保山、瑞丽等上千年来被横断山脉阻隔 ...
The first move towards a law covering the restraint and seclusion of school children will be taken at the Scottish Parliament later. Labour MSP Daniel Johnson said his Members' Bill to bring Calum ...