EGE is traditionally classified into three forms depending on the depth of inflammation in the wall (mucosal, muscular or serosal). This, together with the digestive tract segments involved ...
the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics published a fibroid classification system to better describe the location of fibroids in relation to the uterine cavity and the serosal ...
This is then sutured to the 2 tendon stumps with the serosal surface facing external (Figures 8A-8C). Despite the obvious disadvantage of requiring a second surgical site, Bugg and Boyd reported a ...
In spring the eggs complete embryonic devlopment and hatch. The young grasshopper sheds a serosal skin, the exoskeleton hardens, and the nymph begins to feed and grow. After molting five times and ...
This cessation of fluid formation may be due partly to a lethal effect on free cancer cells in the fluid 19; to the irradiation of the numerous small tumor seedings on the serosal surfaces ...
Inflammatory cells were present on the serosal surface of all intra-abdominal organs examined (including stomach, intestines, and spleen), although the parenchyma of these organs was normal.
Most animals had a moderate amount of gas in the gastrointestinal tract, extending from the stomach to the colon, and a hemorrhagic appearance to the serosal surface of the cecum (Fig. 1).