APAP is the most common identifiable cause of ALF in children living in the United States and United Kingdom. [9] The PALF study has confirmed at least two clinical presentations; the first is an ...
It has been shown in rats that silibinin protects neonatal hepatocytes from cell damage produced by erythromycin, amitriptyline, nortriptyline and TBH. [21] The cytoprotective activity of ...
et al. Inhibitory effect of silibinin on hepatitis B virus entry. Biochem Biophys Rep. 2018 Mar 31;14:20-25. [5] 陈强,贺欢,李粤平,等.恩替卡韦联合水飞蓟宾对慢性乙型病毒性肝炎患者肝功能及肝纤维化指标的影响[J].临床医学工程,2021,28(04):457-458. [6] ...
Recent research on the gastrointestinal (GI) microbiota of small ruminants such as goats and sheep have provided fascinating insights into their microbial ecology and its impact on health and ...
Depression, a mood disorder characterized by a persistent low mood and lack of enjoyment, is considered the leading cause of non-fatal health losses worldwide. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ...