Ever wonder how those scratch and sniff stickers manage to pack a punch of aroma into what looks like ordinary paper? The ...
It’s no exaggeration to say that the development of cheap rechargeable lithium-ion batteries has changed the world. Enabling ...
The difference between holography and photography can be summarized perhaps most succinctly as the difference between recording the effect photons have on a surface, versus recording the wavefront ...
Solderless breadboards are a fantastic tool for stirring the creative juices. In a few seconds, you can go from idea to ...
The world of the overclocker contains many arcane tweaks to squeeze the last drops of performance from a computer, many of ...
If you’re used to thinking about 3D printing in Cartesian terms, prepare your brain for a bit of a twist with [Joshua Bird]’s ...
When we saw [Max.K]’s automatic NiMh battery charger float past in the Hackaday tips line, it brought to mind a charger that ...
Apple’s in-house chips have some impressive specs, but user serviceability is something Apple left behind for consumer ...
Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) was founded to support moonshot projects in the realm of energy, with a ...
When humans counted on their fingers, everyone had a state-of-the-art (at the time) calculator at all times. But as we got smarter about calculation, we missed that convenience. When slide rules ...
For the cautious, a good piece of advice is to always wait to buy a new product until after the first model year, whether its ...
Fossil fuels can be a bit fussy to access, and geopolitics tends to make prices volatile. Burning them also takes carbon out ...