【明報專訊】TWENTY NINE HONG KONG BUSINESS LEADERS were invited to Shenzhen to attend a seminar convened by the Hong Kong and Macao Work Office (HMO). They each made suggestions on "how to take practical ac ...
【明報專訊】警方2024年9月23和24日以「以欺騙手段取得財產」罪拘捕一名15歲男童及一名16歲女童,兩人報稱是學生,涉嫌與12宗在2024年7至8月發生的「猜猜我是誰」電話騙案有關,涉案金額約110萬元。兩人報稱在社交媒體上發現聲稱可「搵快錢」的 ...
Priding itself on freedom, America has always upheld free trade. If the across-the-board tariff becomes a reality, that will equal a total denial of free trade. Trump always describes new tariffs as ...
It is already a major trend that the US becomes increasingly egocentric and inward-looking. With the US also turning away ...
The US plays a part in the world's unprecedented change. In his victory speech, Trump vowed to bring in a golden age for ...
【明報專訊】萬里長城歷史逾2000年,自春秋戰國時代起經歷多次大規模修建,1987年列入聯合國教科文組織《世界遺產名錄》。經過歲月洗禮,長城多處已損毁,內地政府近年積極推動長城修繕及保育。 這是明報教育網-訂戶專區,進入本區前,請先登入系統... ...