Less than a mile from where I grew up north of Boston, Connors Farm hosts a popular 7-acre corn maze in the fall.  Normally ...
In Baku, Azerbaijan, heads of state, leading climate scientists, environmental activists and regulatory officials from some ...
The crisis in journalism has become a crisis for our democracy. We are calling on a new generation of journalists to serve in community news organizations across the country. Report for America is a ...
From girls’ education in Afghanistan to broken water systems in Appalachia, your support makes possible stories that might otherwise go untold. Getting to the truth matters now more than ever. Will ...
Help us uncover the stories that matter most. Your gift to GroundTruth is an investment in the future of journalism, and in the journalists who tell the most important stories of our time. From girls’ ...
GroundTruth Films unites the best of international journalism and documentary filmmaking to tell stories that strive to understand the human condition and address the most important social, political ...
Going Hungry explores the dimensions of daily life in West Virginia, “coal country” as it’s known, where chronic job loss has impacted every aspect of life since the industry’s decline began in the ...
Report for America has created more than 600 local reporting positions with more than 300 news organizations across all 50 states, Puerto Rico, Guam and Washington, D.C. since 2017. Each is focused on ...
Five years ago, Prime Minister Narendra Modi swept to power on a wave of Hindu nationalist fervor that has rippled throughout the country. Starting this week, the country will decide whether Modi’s ...
AUSTIN, Texas – The Lone Star state has always been a big prize in presidential elections, but it has gone solidly Republican since Jimmy Carter won in 1976. So it was no surprise that former ...
The young people at the center of this special report, “Generation TBD,” are grappling with economic forces that many say have left them feeling “lost,” “burned” and “left behind.” But even with youth ...