Join us in welcoming Anne Lacaton and Hashim Sarkis as newest members of the Pritzker Prize Jury. Click here to learn more about our distinguished jurors. Photo of Hashim Sarkis courtesy of Justin A.
戴卫·艾伦·奇普菲尔德爵士1953年出生于伦敦,在英格兰西南部德文郡的一个乡村农场长大。大量的谷仓和各种农舍建筑给他带来的惊叹充溢在童年回忆中,他对建筑的最初而强烈的实物印象由此形成。 “我认为好的建筑会提供一个环境,它在那里,但它又不在 ...
Danish architect Jørn Utzon was born in 1918. While in secondary school, he began helping his father, director of a shipyard in Alborg, Denmark, and brilliant naval architect, by studying new designs, ...
Robert Venturi (1925-2018) has been described as one of the most original talents in contemporary architecture. He has also been credited with saving modern architecture from itself. He has done this ...
Fumihiko Maki calls himself a modernist, unequivocally. His buildings tend to be direct, at times understated, and made of metal, concrete and glass, the classic materials of the modernist age, but ...
Aldo Rossi (1931-1997) has achieved distinction as a theorist, author, artist, teacher and architect, in his native Italy as well as internationally. Noted critic and historian, Vincent Scully, has ...
Zaha Hadid (1950-2016) was born in Baghdad Iraq and commenced her college studies at the American University in Beirut in the field of mathematics. She moved to London in 1972 to study architecture at ...
Kevin Roche (1922-2019), the 1982 recipient of the Pritzker Architecture Prize, is no stranger to awards and praise. With good reason, since the body of work accomplished by him, and with his partner ...
Christian de Portzamparc will be celebrating his fiftieth birthday on May 5 (1994), an anniversary that will be made even more memorable by the fact that he has just been named the 1994 Pritzker ...
Kenzo Tange (1913-2005), winner of the 1987 Pritzker Architecture Prize, is one of Japan’s most honored architects. Teacher, writer, architect, and urban planner, he is revered not only for his own ...
Hans Hollein was born in Vienna, Austria in 1934. From his earliest school days, he manifested a talent for drawing. Although he chose architecture as his profession, his works of art are in many ...
Architect and Professor Wang Shu was born in 1963 in Urumqi, a city in Xinjiang, the western most province of China. He received his first degree in architecture in 1985 and his Masters degree in 1988 ...