(Debate in Parliament: Exorbitant tariff hike recently applied for by Eskom) Eskom’s recent application to impose a tariff hike of nearly 40% on consumers this year has sparked public outcry. Its ...
The safety of Tshwane Metro residents and tourists visiting Pretoria is very important to the FF Plus and the party will continue to work on making the city one of the safest cities in the world.
The renewed prosecution of a Free State farmer, Mr Piet Kleynhans, for an incident three years ago in which he shot the dogs of illegal hunters on his farm justifiably raises questions about the state ...
Die veiligheid van die inwoners van die Tshwane-metro en toeriste wat veral Pretoria besoek, lê na aan die hart van die VF Plus en hy sal aanhou om mee te werk om die stad een van die veiligstes ter ...
Eskom se onlangse aansoek om ʼn tariefverhoging van byna 40% in hierdie jaar op verbruikers te hef, lei sedertdien tot groot onsteltenis. Hierdie berekening is gegrond op die koste van kragopwekking en ...
Die VF Plus het sterk beswaar aangeteken teen die voorgestelde naamsverandering van Deneysville na Lekoa weens die gebrek aan behoorlike konsultasie met die dorp se inwoners. Inwoners van Deneysville ...
Die hernude vervolging van ʼn Vrystaatse boer, mnr. Piet Kleynhans, oor ʼn voorval drie jaar gelede toe hy op die honde van onwettige jagters op sy plaas geskiet het, laat nou met reg vrae ontstaan oor ...
It appears that President Cyril Ramaphosa will indeed sign the controversial BELA Bill into law on Friday (13 September). This Bill is particularly controversial because it puts the power to determine ...
President President Cyril Ramaphosa did indeed sign the BELA Bill today, but pressure from various sides and the key role played by parties such as the FF Plus in the Government of National Unity (GNU ...
Dit blyk dat president Cyril Ramaphosa die omstrede Bela-wet Vrydag (13 September) wel gaan onderteken. Hierdie wet is omstrede omdat dit die bevoegdheid om oor skole se taal- en toelatingsbeleid te ...
Illegal immigrants, particularly those guilty of crime and illegal land occupation, will soon be deported to their country of origin. The Tshwane Metro and the Minister of Home Affairs, Dr Leon ...
Public representatives of the Tshwane Metro’s failure to pay their monthly utility bills is unacceptable and should not be tolerated. Councillors currently owe the Metro R2 548 446,78, with the ...