2001), and moving into the mid-infrared (mid-IR), uses for wavelengths beyond 2 μm include LIDAR, molecular spectroscopy and active hyperspectral imaging. Fibre-based supercontinuum sources are ...
Supercontinuum technology “is being used in broader and broader areas of research,” says Zadoyan. “Everybody wants to play with it and see what they can do.” Product round-up ...
At the time of writing, it is just over 10 years since a seemingly simple research project at Bell Laboratories led to a new revolution in optical frequency metrology, when in 1999, in a packed CLEO ...
d, Supercontinuum generation in a 5-cm water-filled HC-PCF (inset) at peak powers shown. Pump wavelength is 980 nm and the zero-dispersion wavelength is ∼ 1 μm (data from ref. 40 ; inset ...
But in the weird world of physics, a lot of things that seem impossible aren’t really, as demonstrated by this dirt-cheap supercontinuum laser. Of course, we’re not experts on lasers ...
YSL Photonics explores, develops, and manufactures next-generation of supercontinuum source (supercontinuum laser, white light source, white light laser), picosecond pulsed and femtosecond fiber laser ...
In the future, the study of supercontinuum spectra could possibly expand toward the THz frequency range, which could provide the SPhPs-enhanced TKE with an opportunity to exhibit their potential ...
Enhanced brightness for improved signal-to-noise ratios in microscopy Broad spectral coverage for multi-modal imaging and spectroscopy Pulsed operation capabilities for time-resolved studies The ...
This facility is designed to support the usage and analysis of data from a variety of structural and functional neural imaging technologies and techniques, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ...
The voting is complete and we can now show you the winners of the 2024 Edge Award competition. The battery pack can be supplemented with a host of accessories, including receivers, power distribution ...
Ultrafast (femtosecond) laser oscillators and amplifiers based on Ti:Sapphire, Cr:Forsterite, Er- and Yb- doped fiber and crystals, supercontinuum sources; autocorrelators, SPIDER, cross-correlator, ...