加拿大最大的机构投资者之一安大略省教师退休金计划 (Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan)拟出售其在巴西购物中心营运商Multiplan Empreendimentos Imobiliarios SA的全部股份。
Primary and secondary schools across multiple Chinese cities have extended class breaks from 10 to 15 minutes from the start of the fall semester in an effort to encourage outdoor activities among ...
This month (until September 28), they’re helping teachers take the edge off the start of the new semester by offering pizzas ...
9月10日,刚处置完狱内犯情的赣州监狱十八监区民警吴天阳接到了会见中心民警的电话,电话那头说,有人送了一束花给他。听着满是称赞的语气,吴天阳略感疲惫的身躯瞬间又充满了力量。赶到会见中心,看到那束鲜花,吴天阳的目光随即被花束中纸条上的留言吸引了:“并非 ...
A group of 79 students and teachers from the U.S. state of Washington are visiting southwest China's Guizhou Province to deepen their understanding of Chinese culture. 9月15日至18日,应中国人民对外友好协会邀请,由美中青少年学生 ...
Anyway, that’s “sit this one out” in the sports context. Outside of sports, this phrase is also widely used. As a matter of ...
WOODCLIFF LAKE, N.J. - 移动资产管理AIoT SaaS解决方案提供商Powerfleet, Inc. (NASDAQ:AIOT)宣布达成最终协议,收购互联车辆技术和车队管理公司Fleet ...
与电视剧《大考》《追光的日子》《鸣龙少年》相同,电视剧《春风化雨》也把剧情的空间放在了大都市之外。所不同的是,《春风化雨》的故事时间不再集中于高三年级的备考之年,而是前后绵延了 20 年。
Bato Zaya spent his childhood as a shepherd in the pastoral areas of Wenquan County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur ...
A group of 79 students and teachers from the U.S. state of Washington are visiting southwest China's Guizhou Province to deepen their understanding of Chinese culture.