В Тбилисском выставочном центре "Экспо-Джорджия" в субботу открылась крупнейшая из когда-либо проводившихся в Грузии выставка-продажа китайской продукции "World Trade Expo Georgia 2024".
近日,上海交通大学海洋学院和生命科学技术学院王风平团队在Nature Communications发表了题为“Cycling and persistence of iron-bound organic carbon in subseafloor ...
Continuous progress has been made in China’s business environment, market inclusiveness, industrial layout, and investment policies, which constitute favorable conditions for international investors e ...
近日,上海交通大学海洋学院和生命科学技术学院王风平团队在Nature Communications发表了题为“Thermophilic Hadarchaeota grow on long-chain alkanes in syntrophy with methanogens”的研究论文。上海交通大学海洋学院助理研究员余甜甜、农业农村部成都沼气科学研究所博士生付琳和上海交通大学生命科学技术学院副教授 ...
(法新社日内瓦22日电) 瑞士今天就是否支持采取更广泛措施保护生物多样性,以及改革年金财政制度举行公投,不过根据民调,多数瑞士民众似乎倾向对这两项提案投下反对票。 第一项公投提案名称为「为了我们自然与景观的未来」,获得善待自然(Pro Natura) ...
As the world's largest developing country, China always considers its growth in the context of the common development of all ...