如果sudo脚本由攻击者可控,那会引发提权问题。 攻击者攻陷aplyc1a账户后,通过在配置了sudo白名单免密的脚本中夹杂私货达到 ...
Shiro是一个功能强大、灵活的,开源的安全框架,主要可以帮助我们解决程序开发中认证和权限等问题。基于拦截器做的权限系统,权限控制的粒度有限,为了方便各种各样的常用的权限管理需求的实现,我们有必要使用比较好的安全框架。 早期Spring security 作为 ...
As with any server daemon that is accessible to the outside world, it is advisable to run PostgreSQL under a separate user account. This user account should only own the data that is managed by the ...
PostgreSQL can sometimes exhaust various operating system resource limits, especially when multiple copies of the server are running on the same system, or in very large installations. This section ...