Next, withholding tech puts more impetus on the targeted country to develop its own. Huawei, the Chinese telecoms group that has long been in Washington’s crosshairs, worked with domestic chipmaker ...
微软准备逐步淘汰Windows控制面板,推新“设置”应用。 几天前,微软在一份支持文件中斩钉截铁地宣布,它将正式弃用 Windows 上已有 39 年历史的 ...
可以一起过户给买家吗?如果不行的话,是否保留额度的同时也可以保留原车的号牌呢?此外,潘先生对自己名下的一辆新能源汽车上牌额度也有一些疑问想要了解。 据了解,根据新实施的《机动车登记规定》(公安部第164号令)中的相关规定:办理机动车变更 ...
A shortage of raw materials for chipmaking is just one of the inevitable consequences of US restrictions on tech exports to China. The escalating trade row between the two superpowers — via a whole ...