It is not the fault of Arab Americans, Black Americans, or Latino Americans - whose marginal increase in support from men within those groups wasn’t enough in itself to secure Trump the White House.
The party shouldn’t abandon those groups, but it should stop acting like it’s necessary to ignore or denigrate white men to support those historically marginalized. If our party (Democrats ...
For instance, Bloomberg reported that when prompted to generate images of different professions, the AI model Stable Diffusion mainly created White men, particularly in higher-paying occupations.
I get it, that we don’t want good White folks, and good men, of all races, but particularly Whites, who voted for Harris, and even the White folks and White and Latino and Black men who voted ...
Decades of success and $150 billion later, investor Warren Buffett has identified one key to his unquestioned success: being a white guy. “As I write this, I continue my lucky streak that began ...
Since 2021, the prime-age male employment rate has increased by 2 percentage points, attaining its highest level since the global financial crisis. The improvement is not limited just to White men ...
The 2024 election, perhaps more than any other in history, was an election of identity politics. But unlike what that term usually implies—that we’re talking about women and/or racial ...
It was about millions of men — many with my Latino immigrant background, some with my skin color — who don’t want any woman, especially a woman of color, in the White House. And the key was ...