An action film directed by Ted Kotcheff follows a ruthless small-town sheriff who becomes the enemy of a damaged and ...
An in-depth examination of the ways in which the Vietnam War impacts and disrupts the lives of several friends in a small steel mill town in Pennsylvania.
Explore the great movie soundtracks that elevate the storytelling experience. Discover iconic scores and songs that enhance ...
Renowned African horror screenwriter and entertainment journalist Osarfo Anthony has encouraged millennials who love horror ...
Renowned African horror screenwriter and entertainment journalist Osarfo Anthony encourages millennials who love horror movies to be mindful of the didactic elements intricately woven into the ...
In Floorshow he presents a rich streamofconsciousness flow of images that encompass past present and fantasy a contemplation of the filmmaking process and film aesthetics Myers makes a ...
Get hyped! The Lord of the Rings (animated 1978) / World of Warner Bros. For Middle-earth lovers who desire to watch this classic film, it can be hard to find. I own it on VHS, which in the modern ...
These days, moviegoers rush to watch films about battling superheroes, smooching tennis players, and existential fashion dolls. For much of movie history, however, film fans loved to watch epics.
The rags-to-riches saga of a young Italian immigrant who battles his way out of the San Francisco earthquake to become a shipping magnate, rise to the top of Nob Hill's society through a loveless ...