Abstract: Oversampling analog-to-digital converters (ADC) serve as the backbone of high-performance, high-precision data interfaces, owing to their remarkable ability to filter out quantization noise.
STM32F4xx系列提供的12位ADC是逐次逼近型模数转换器。它具有多达 19 个复用通道,可测量来自 16 个外部源、两个内部源和 V BAT 通道的信号。这些通道的 A/D 转换可在单次、连续、扫描或不连续采样模式下进行。ADC 的结果存储在一个左对齐或右对齐的 16 位数据寄存 ...
Duality plans to take two bispecific ADCs and one autoimmune ADC into human testing by 2026. The biotech named two BioNTech-partnered ADCs as “core products.” One of the products, known as ...
Unlike most quantizers, the delta-sigma modulator pushes the quantization noise to higher frequencies [4] making it suitable for ... A fast interrupt service routine (IRS1) running at 100 kHz for the ...