Whether you're upgrading your desktop PC or building a new one, choosing the right processor is the most crucial and complex ...
2024 年可谓是妥妥的游戏小年,从年初火爆的一众 JRPG 到上个月的《黑神话:悟空》,PC 玩家更新换代硬件的动力也愈发高涨。很多只玩 3A 游戏,不追求 4K 高分高刷极致体验的玩家直接选择 intel 酷睿 i5 或 AMD 的锐龙 5 ...
【本文由小黑盒作者@小杰加电于09月08日发布,转载请标明出处!】 去年,以Valve 的 Steam Deck和华硕 ROG Ally为首的全新类别:windows 掌机,席卷了市场。越来越多的品牌加入到这个细分市场当中,现在 宏碁 ...
Intel (INTC) lost a contract to design and manufacture the processors for the upcoming Sony (SONY) PlayStation 6 gaming console to AMD (AMD) and Taiwan Semiconductor. Read for more.
If players are thinking that they can just resort to open-world action and exploration instead, then Test Drive Unlimited ...