The E-Gel ® electrophoresis system is ideal for routine analysis of PCR products, restriction digests, and plasmid preparations. No gels to pour, no buffer to make, no staining/destaining ...
With each breath, a human may inhale thousands of harmful microbes into the lungs. Mucus, the gel-like moist substance ...
L'électrophorèse en gel d'agarose est une méthode utilisée en biochimie et en biologie moléculaire pour séparer l'ADN, l'ARN ou des protéines en fonction de leur poids moléculaire. La technique de ...
Purify the vector products by electrophoresis through 0.8–1% agarose and determine the concentration of vector DNA by measuring UV absorbance at 260 nm or by running an aliquot on an agarose gel.
Load the samples on a 1% agarose gel. You should see a smear with a peak of intensity between 500 bp and 1 kb. Measure the volume of the chromatin sample and add ChIP dilution buffer (prepared in ...
We will isolate genomic DNA and produce restriction fragments, which are separated by agarose electrophoresis. Using a cDNA probe for FABP, one could detect the size of the restriction fragment ...
PCR级高分辨率琼脂糖(High Resolution Agarose)对PCR 产物,小片段DNA 具有很高的分辨率,可以和聚丙烯酰胺相媲美,适宜分离20 bp - 800 bp DNA片段。 室温,干燥保存。
Toutefois la conformation de l'ADN est aussi un facteur important. Ainsi pour éviter les problèmes liés à cette conformation, n'est séparé sur gel d'agarose uniquement que de l'ADN linéaire (fragment ...
CUTS is a cryptic exon RNA biosensor enabling real-time detection of TDP-43 loss of splicing function. CUTS exhibits a significant linear relationship with TDP-43 loss. CUTS can deliver an ...
The SMC5/6 complex is vital for maintaining genome stability, playing a crucial role in chromosome organization and DNA ...
Astrocytes in the brain exhibit significant regional diversity, but the mechanisms controlling their heterogeneity remain ...
MDA5 is a critical cytoplasmic RNA sensor capable of triggering type I interferon pathways. This study shows that the E3 ...