Most women, at the frontlines of fighting for their rights and the rights of nature, have no choice but to continue the fight ...
Since May, blazes have ravaged forests and savannas across Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay and Peru.
Called the "Angelim Vermelho" or  Dinizia excelsa. It's considered the tallest tree in the tropical Americas at a height of 290 feet.
Today's ecologists have more data than ever before to help monitor and understand the world's biodiversity. Yet researchers ...
Brazilian police have indicted a Colombian fish trader as the person who planned the slaying of Indigenous expert Bruno ...
As demand for water surges to cool down data centers and power AI, Amazon Web Services aims to give back more water to ...
CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP) — Britain's Prince William will meet with young environmentalists and local fishermen during a ...
The behavior of orangutans in their new environment is recorded every 2 minutes, from waking up to sleeping every day.
But last year, US President Joe Biden pledged to request Congress to contribute US$500 million to the Amazon Fund over five ...
Colombia is home to some 16,000 jaguars, but their habitat is becoming increasingly fragmented. A new initiative seeks to ...
Biologist Fernanda Abra partnered with the Waimiri-Atroari Indigenous people to build bridges in the Amazon over highways to connect forest canopies.