In the pantheon of television furniture, the animated couch on “The Simpsons,” Archie Bunker’s faded wing chair from “All in the Family” and Dick Van Dyke’s tripping-hazard ottoman from his eponymous ...
There’s a lot of fan service out there for theater buffs this December, whether it’s heading to the movies for a sing-a-long of Wicked (I mean, come on, if you’re a Broadway person you’ve ...
home in Majesty Ballet Theater Company. This season, they will be starring as the Sugar Plum/Snow Queen and Clara respectively in “An American Nutcracker,” shepherding in a new wave of young ...
Chinese dance drama Wing Chun was staged with five shows at the Grand Theatre of Hong Kong Cultural Centre from Nov 22 to 24. [Photo provided to] The dance drama follows the ...
But making one iconic outfit — worn by Ariana Grande’s Glinda the Good Witch — was not an easy feat for the 60-year-old costume designer. “I would say that the bubble dress that we first ...
“SCAD FASH always wants to highlight the best in costuming and fashion, and Sandy Powell is such a highly awarded and revered designer ... a movie in a theater. Each costume display at SCAD ...