Annular pancreas is the most common birth defect seen in the pancreas. The pancreas is an organ that plays an important part in your digestive process. The term annular pancreas means that a ring of ...
Digestive enzymes are proteins that help break down food into smaller parts so your body can easily use the nutrients. The enzymes are produced in different parts of the digestive system, including ...
Amylase is produced in the saliva and the pancreas to digest the starch into sugar that fuels the body. “If you take a piece of dry pasta and put it in your mouth, eventually it’ll get a ...
Even with multiple medical challenges, including pancreatitis and prostate cancer, Michael Cohen keeps on traveling.
Scientists have suspected that modern humans have more genes to digest starch than our hunter-gatherer ancestors, but the ...
The overall risk of malignancy in pancreatic cysts may be as low as 0.5 to 1.5%, and the annual risk of progression is 0.5%. 7,15 Conversely, studies estimate that 15% of all pancreatic ...
Ar­row­head Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals has un­veiled high­ly an­tic­i­pat­ed pan­cre­ati­tis re­sults from a late-phase tri­al of ploza­sir­an for a rare lipid dis­or­der, sev­er ...
The disorder is associated with the risk of recurrent acute pancreatitis. Plozasiran is a small interfering RNA that reduces hepatic production of apolipoprotein C-III and circulating triglycerides.
Pancreatic graft function is monitored by blood glucose, amylase, HbA1c, and C-peptide levels. If the systemic-bladder technique is used, the urinary amylase levels are monitored. Likewise ...
Enhancing the dose Dose distributions for a pancreatic ductal carcinoma case and a pancreatic adenocarcinoma case, for GNP-enhanced 2.5 MV plans (left) and 6 MV beams without GNPs (right). (Courtesy: ...
An expert discussed ELI-002 7P, the investigational pancreatic cancer vaccine. He explained how it works and what patients can expect regarding the ongoing research. ELI-002 7P is a vaccine being ...