"The Promised Neverland" had an anime adaptation in 2019, with a second season that faced backlash for skipping arcs and characters. The Promised Neverland's author, Kaiu Shirai, is working on a ...
The Promised Neverland is a great show the first season was phenomenal ... The violence is significantly less than the horror and is relatively mild, having most of it happening off-screen. Phenomenal ...
With fantastic new releases dropping every month and a hundreds-strong library of classics waiting in the rear-view mirror, diving into the very best anime has to offer has become a tougher task ...
The Fall 2008 Anime Preview Guide - Theron Martin (Oct 4, 2008) The Fall 2008 Anime Preview Guide - Carlo Santos (Oct 4, 2008) ...
Craving more high-octane action, hilarious delinquents, and inspiring journeys of self-discovery? Look no further. If you devoured Satoru Nii’s work and are hungry for your next anime fix, this list ...
If you’re looking for a handy list of the latest and greatest anime to come out this year ... 8 delivered on the promise of its premise, weaving together a story about Kafka Hibino, a layabout ...
Dominate the competition with our list of the latest active Anime Showdown codes to collect a heap of goodies for this epic, anime-style Roblox experience. With plenty of free coins and gems up for ...