The brand-new anime series is based on the light novels by Mareho Kikuishi and Yoshinori Kisaragi. Ahead of the show’s 2025 premiere, fans were just treated to a brand new trailer, staff update, and ...
It's not too late to watch some of this year's top fantasy, action and comedy anime releases.
Pokemon Horizons might be the main anime story that is airing on the small screen but the story of Liko and Roy is only one ...
The Tasokare Hotel game launched for iOS and Android in 2017 and has over 1.1 million downloads worldwide. A remake with new ...
Gege Akutami's Jujutsu Kaisen is one of the hottest prospects in the world. The series has sold more than 50 million copies, which is an incredible feat. While the manga has ended, the anime is far ...
Aniplex offered an update on anime series heading to Hulu, and it includes a Persona 5 anime English dub and Mashle.
With the Dragon Ball Daima anime currently airing, fans have been sucked back into the original theme of the series, the adventure that saw Goku and his friends search for the wish-granting orbs.