Attend a session presented by your member organization, including AORE, MFA, NAYS and NIRSA. CEUs are also included with every conference registration — making it a one-stop-shop for all your ...
随着数字化浪潮的席卷,越来越多的企业将数字化办公视为转型升级的关键路径。跨部门、跨地域的视频会议成为了企业会议室数字化升级中亟待重点改造的关键一环。 在此背景下,MAXHUB推出智会·领航100计划,免费为100家领先企业打造沉浸式会议室新标杆 ...
为鼓励单身人士勇敢追爱,获人民网投资的伊对APP,近期联合邮局咖啡,在广州邮局咖啡(天后宫店)开启线下快闪活动,限时派送福利,并推出独 家“擒”人秘籍,包括“擒”能补拙、两“擒”相悦、手到“擒”来等三大招数,以此鼓励想要脱单的单身青年 ...
We create opportunities for students to enhance the college experience through play, wellness and adventure! The Aggie Recreation Center, HPER Building and Fieldhouse are multipurpose facilities with ...
Travellers' Choice Awards winners (including the "Best of the Best" title) are among the top 10% of listings on Tripadvisor, according to the reviews and opinions of travellers across the globe.
As a coach or mentor, your ultimate goal is to facilitate growth and development in your clients. But what happens when a client starts to question the value of your sessions? This is a critical ...
In the event of severe weather, Utah State University will notify the USU community regarding a delayed or canceled class or work schedule. If the notice comes after our scheduled opening time of 6:00 ...
Travellers' Choice Awards winners (including the "Best of the Best" title) are among the top 10% of listings on Tripadvisor, according to the reviews and opinions of travellers across the globe.