Following a devastating bus crash in Kurla, Mumbai, the BEST bus service is implementing new safety measures. These include mandatory breathalyzer tests for drivers and enhanced training programs ...
In response to the deadly Kurla bus crash, BEST has announced new safety measures, including breathalyser tests and simulator ...
After months of discussions, community forums, a survey and school tours, Sequim School District’s leaders are putting ...
At a meeting of the New Paltz Board of Education last week, Greger shared a presentation on school bus safety, his Eagle ...
Colorado is one of 35 states that received a yellow “caution” score on their safety report card from Advocates for Highway ...
The City of Colorado Springs reported that there is a full call out for snow plows across the area, as roadways are icy in ...
Each school bus shall have an attendant trained in first aid, safety of students and in dealing with emergencies who shall ...
OpenRent is a registered agent in Scotland with registration number LARN1809026 and is a member of RentSmart Wales with ...
In 2025, route planning, driver assignments, and real-time adjustments will all rely on advanced analytics. Districts that ...
The Missouri Propane Education and Research Council said in a press release that DESE is providing $970,000 million in ...