Want to know more about the beautiful winged visitors in your backyard? There are so many extraordinary butterflies that are common in residential areas across North America, including majestic ...
You can help Mother Nature in a battle for survival. Pollinators, which provide one out of every three bites of our food, are ...
when I was travelling up the Amazon from Parà to Sautareon. . . We saw a vast multitude of butterflies flying across the Amazon from the northern to the southern side in a direction from about N ...
Butterflies need balanced wings to fly and McCloskey was heartbroken to think she might have to euthanise him. However, a friend sent a video link that showed how Monarch wings could be repaired.
One butterfly alone could not manage the journey, so it is completed in stages, with up to six successive generations spending their lives flying north. The painted lady recently took the crown for ...