There he saw a calculating machine for the first time. In a report on the fair, Barnard wrote: To most persons the process of calculation involves a species of mental labor which is painful and ...
Many attempts have been made to devise a simple and cheap calculating machine. For the most part these attempts have been confined, in the cheaper class of machines, to performing only the one ...
Large scale calculating machines may make it feasible for the government to set production goals for major industries, Frederick V. Waugh of President Truman's Council of Economic Advisers told a ...
The decision to use electronics for our calculating machines has long been decided. However, that doesn’t mean that mechanical engineers didn’t put up a valiant, if ultimately futile ...
In the course of the 1970s, handheld electronic calculators transformed the way tens of millions of people did arithmetic. Engineers abandoned slide rules, business people gave up desktop calculating ...
National 3000 automatic bookkeeping calculating machine no 101364 42-BT, by National Cash Register Company Limited, England, 1935-1945. This machine was formerly the property of Dr. L J Comrie FRS.
Over 600 physicists, mathematicians, economists, engineers, and industrialists from all parts of the country and abroad attended the four-day Symposium on Large-Scale Digital Calculating Machines ...
Fridé celebrated the tenth anniversary of the second time he had invented such a machine. Moreover, although the principle of an accurate calculator is already 123 years old, Carl Fridén’s ...