Call them Anthrobots or Organoids or anything for that matter, if they can encourage damaged cells to heal, that’s a world of possibilities opening up. From everything from neurodegenerative ...
Jamie Hayter opened up about the injury that kept her out of action for over a year. Talking to Renee Paquette, Hayter said she had completely herniated two discs in her back, which kept her out of ...
Trixie’s case is not a rare phenomenon. Because social isolation is such a common side-effect of domestic violence, and because loneliness is one of the most cited reasons why people end up returning ...
The significance of this finding is not entirely clear, however: CD68+ cells are diverse, and play complex and incompletely understood roles in both healing and detrimental changes to the structure ..
In an era when exploitation is the dominant form of nonfiction filmmaking, "Sugarcane" makes the case for how the camera can be a tool to help those in front of it.
There’s a scene in the documentary “Sugarcane” between co-director Julian Brave NoiseCat and his father Ed Archie NoiseCat that is as emotionally raw as anything you’ll see on screen this ...
We all know that being in nature is good for our health and mental well-being. But how does it work its magic? For example, what explains the finding that, following gall bladder surgery, people ...
Those contemplating suicide can reach out to the Mental Health Psychosocial ... Please help me find a path forward that encourages healing and understanding within my family.
Earlier this month, Ellen Dixon proved it can go the other way too. She was the only person to represent the Maritimes among 400 athletes at the Amateur World Disc Golf Championships in Michigan.
We can and will be able to heal the challenges our communities face, by community led solutions founded in grassroots initiatives - like our brothers and sisters are doing throughout the globe ...
you need to have electrodes that can conform to a wide variety of surface features.” To demonstrate their new bandage, the researchers tested it on diabetic mice and found that the electric field ...