在意大利Canelli市,一名36岁的保加利亚女子 Stanka Batashka 因一系列盗窃、 抢劫和纵火案件被判处8年监禁,其中一起纵火导致一名华人店主死亡 。案件经过一年调查后,近日在意大利初审结案。
From Piedmont to Sicily, these sublime destinations offer an immersive experience into Italian gastronomy and winemaking.
也有研究印证了这一点,一项刊登于《细胞代谢》上的研究揭示了晚餐吃得晚导致肥胖的原因。晚进食增加了清醒时的饥饿感;降低了 24 小时的血清瘦素;减少了清醒时能量消耗和 24 小时的核心体温;改变了脂肪组织基因表达,让身体更容易储存脂肪。
Thus my list of the best Barolo producers. I could write about 100 different companies, but that would be better suited to a ...
Let’s be clear: ranking Italy’s 20 regions is a subjective and unwinnable exercise. Elsewhere I have written extensively ...
Europe is not lacking in jaw-dropping beauty, but how do you choose its top spots? Its home to seven Wonders of the World, ...
A.S.D. Pierantonio Sport vs Città di Castello team performances, predictions and head to head team stats for goals, first ...
A full-bodied red wine is made 100% from the Sangiovese grape and matured in new French oak barrels.... Natalie's Score > ...
Sicily’s southern coast boasts stunning architecture and wineries, but what perhaps sets the region apart is its people.
40 年前的 800 月,这家让布鲁内罗享誉全球的意大利裔美国公司在蒙塔尔奇诺成立。占地近 10 公顷的巨大土地,其中 XNUMX 公顷是葡萄园,每年生产约 XNUMX 万瓶葡萄酒。但当时很多人都持怀疑态度 布鲁内罗,多么热情啊!自圭尔夫派和吉伯林派时代以来,托斯卡纳还没有响起反抗的大声呼声。四十年前,当意大利裔美国人小约翰·马里亚尼和哈里·马里亚尼兄弟从美国来到蒙塔尔奇诺时,他们的项目规模对许多 ...
Rodri leads the list Man City stars that could leave if the club is found guilty of fraud, according to reports. Transfer ...