An ambitious, if ultimately unsuccessful, comedy thriller from first-time filmmakers Kurt Yuen, Trevor Choi and Cyrus Lo, Fresh Off Markham packs a number of pointed issues into a triple-stranded ...
The movie includes several carefully hidden cameos that poke fun at the superhero industry — which is refreshing in itself. Rita, a successful but morally conflicted lawyer in Mexico ...
If you’re looking for the best movies to watch on Netflix, you’ve come to the right place. Below, we’ve put together an expertly curated selection of some of the most exciting, compelling ...
Like with anything in the world, there are two sides to Chinese phones. On one of them, you can view and experience some of the best, most affordable and oddly creative Android phones on the market ...
Showtime boasts one of the largest offerings of streaming movies of any premium cable channel with more than 500 movies available on demand. The channel not only has a massive library of films ...