The State Administration of Radio Film and Television (SARFT) released The Notice of Recommending 2011 Chinese Excellent Cartoons, the original cartoons Cookie Police and Economic Garden received the ...
In one post, the account blasts what it calls Washington’s “fallacies against the Chinese economy,” accompanied by a cartoon ...
本项目只是提供一个中文词义消歧的思路,如果想要做更精细点的话,那个分类的数据需要质量更高一些,更多一些。 在main ...
In a cartoon circulating on government websites and social media since last week, a family elder demands that his nephew, a village official, block the construction of a telecommunications tower.
《九州缥缈录》是江南的幻想史诗巨著,共6卷。以虚构的“九州”世界为背景,徐徐展开一轴腥风血雨的乱世长卷。 [Out ...
He also regularly shares photos and his understanding of floating objects on social media platforms, raising people's ...
一名中历史科教师在街上被斩首,法国警方证实,涉事教师曾在两周前,于课堂内展示向学生展示伊斯兰教先知穆罕默德漫画 ...
吴斌是浙江省杭州市的一名公交车司机,他在危急关头舍已救人的英勇行为深深地感动了公众。 Wu Bin, a bus driver from the city of Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province ...
資料圖片,香港警方國安部人員就「羊村」系列兒童繪本涉及煽動,提供證據。 Source: AAP / AAP/AP/Vincent Yu 五名香港语言治疗师因试图出版以羊和狼为 ...
That is, the Chinese public sector is accused of doing its job well, of making the "invisible hand" act to support and ...
The Biden administration said Friday that it has finalized tariff hikes on certain Chinese-made products that the president ...