Purpose: We performed a literature synthesis to identify the full spectrum of compounds implicated in drug-induced, bilateral secondary angle-closure glaucoma (2° ACG). Methods: Systematic PubMed ...
The search terms "bilateral angle closure" and "drug-induced myopia" resulted in 355 and 27 articles, respectively. We evaluated these reports using the Naranjo adverse drug reaction probability ...
A linkage analysis study was performed on a single large family with juvenile-onset primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). This led to the recognition that there was a region of chromosome lq that ...
While there are many types of glaucoma such as angle-closure glaucoma and congenital glaucoma, the most common one in the United States is called open-angle glaucoma. Doctors test for multiple ...
Accredited by the College of Optometrists, this professional qualification gives optometrists key training and skills in the detection, diagnosis and referral pathways for Chronic open angle glaucoma.
But sometimes the pain lingers long after the danger has passed, becoming chronic. Chronic pain in the form of headaches, joint problems, or full-blown fibromyalgia can radically impact one's life.
The doctor will examine the eye and may order tests to confirm the cause. Primary open-angle glaucoma is a type of glaucoma that does not usually cause early symptoms. Over time, a person may ...
Chronic fatigue syndrome isn't just being tired. It's a new state of fatigue that has lasted for at least 6 months. CFS is more than feeling tired all the time. It comes with a lot of other ...