I was introduced to arcade video games by one of my classmates. This has started a love and hate relationship between me and video games as a whole till this very day. During middle school and high ...
同学们好,我是朱伟。最近,一则韩国网友来中国社交平台上发布的求助帖,登上了热搜: 韩国男性使用Deepfake(深度伪造)技术,将熟人女性换脸合成为色情照片和影像,并通过社交媒体疯传。言论触目惊心,内容恶心至极…… ...
"The digitalization of cultural tourism has become a new trend," said Ma Yiliang, chief statistician of the China Tourism ...
漫漫“教”学路,“研”讨正当时。为切实加强课堂教学过程管理,打造扎实高效的常态课堂,促进教育教学质量全面提高,近日,成都市青羊区教育科学研究院副院长、科学教研员王琪,英语教研员李栩老师,信息技术教研员黄晓燕老师走进鼓楼小学调研,全方位指导该校教学工作 ...