Cosmology scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have made a rare discovery: a cluster of galaxies that span ...
"The [energy released from gas falling into the] the supermassive black hole is removing large amounts of gas very fast from ...
Cosmological data suggest unexpected masses for neutrinos, including the possibility of zero or negative mass.
Migraine sufferers are often triggered by the weather, and research suggests warming temperatures and more extreme weather ...
An order of magnitude is not simply a 1:1 multiplier, so 120 orders of magnitude is likely far more than 120 times larger.
It is almost 100 years since scientists discovered the universe is expanding. In the decades that followed, the accuracy of ...
Astronomers have detected a powerful radio signal that has traveled 8 billion years through space before reaching Earth.
Currently, there seems to be a consensus in the community that the uncertainties in the observations have to be teased out ...
The universe might not be as you think. Until recently, the Lambda Cold Dark Matter model seemed to have a lock on cosmology.
A groundbreaking discovery has rocked the astronomical community: a mysterious and powerful burst of radio waves has reached ...
RSV infects almost every child before they turn 2, and kills more than 100,000 infants worldwide each year. Machine learning ...
In February 2016, scientists at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) confirmed they made the ...